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Face Lift

face lift

As people naturally age, gravity can have an impact on the skin—particularly around the face and neck. This can result in an older appearance and have an impact on a person’s overall confidence. Fortunately, a face lift procedure can restore the shape of the face by reducing sagging skin that commonly found around the cheeks and jawline -- essentially allowing patients to rewind the clock and obtain a more vibrant and youthful appearance.

Candidates for Face Lift Surgery

A good candidate for face lift surgery generally has excess or sagging skin on their face. Individuals should be in good health and have realistic expectations about the results. Keep in mind; a face lift does not remedy fine lines and wrinkles. Instead, this procedure is designed to lift sagging skin and create a younger look.


The consultation for a face lift procedure provides patients the opportunity to gain information and ask questions. During the consultation, you should expect to have an exam of your face as well as a discussion about what type of incision will be performed. Dr. Faulkner will also discuss realistic results. You should come prepared with any questions you may have about the procedure, recovery, and follow-up care.

Keep in mind; this is also your chance to talk to Dr. Faulkner about his experience and past results. Dr. Faulkner will be happy to address your concerns and present you with information about his background.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Many patients are curious about what to expect during the procedure. During a face lift, an incision is made along both sides of the face. A flap of skin is then moved back, and from there, the underlying tissue is tightened and contoured to create a new face shape. Before the incision site is sutured back together, excess skin is removed. There are typically two types of incisions. These include along the temple and/or around your ear. The decision about the incision site will be made based on your current condition as well as guidance from Dr. Faulkner.


During the recovery of a face lift, patients may experience the following:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness

While every patient’s recovery time is somewhat different, most symptoms subside after two or three weeks. Dr. Faulkner will remove the bandages a few days after surgery with instructions on how to care for the incision site.


As with any surgery, there is a chance for some complications. Although rare, complications may include:

  • Infection
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Extreme pain
  • Stitches coming out before proper removal
  • Wound healing problems
  • Facial nerve injury

In order to reduce the chances of complications, you should adhere to your doctor’s guidelines and report any additional symptoms right away.


Patients appreciate the instant results of a face lift. Following the procedure, the face will be newly contoured, and a youthful appearance will be apparent. However, natural aging will still occur. This means face lifts do not last forever. While each patient’s results timeline will be influenced by lifestyle choices and genetics, most patients can expect their results to last for ten years.


A face lift can improve a person’s appearance and give them the confidence boost they need. If you would like to know more about your face lift procedure, please contact our office. Our staff is dedicated to providing the information you need to make the most informed decision about your body and health. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!


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